Last week the dining room was hit by a tsunami of fabric and stuffing, threads and buttons and beads, as I got creative with some Christmas makes. I was standing in for someone at Denman College so the pressure was really on not to disappoint those students who had signed up, expecting some one else! I am not a fat quarters, printed for patchwork sort of stitcher, preferring to mix and match my found and recycled and donated fabrics, creating unexpected combinations of ticking with velvet, calico and embroidery threads.
So here's what I made followed by what my students created, I was absolutely delighted with all the results, such a variety. It was deemed to be a great success, lots of smiles all round, must do it again next year!
If you would be interested in having me deliver this course for you just drop me a line,
PIece of old wool 'tartan' with genuine very vintage lace |
More vintage lace with crushed velvet and stripes |
Dustin - quality control |
Packing up newly made resources |
Calico decorations by my students |
Rag tag wreath in festive colours |
One student's pieces - and she said she wasn't creative!! |
A completely different approach, love the fabric mix |
Vibrant wreath complete with a patchwork star |